Kamis, 08 November 2012

my friend is my motivator

It all began when he become my classmate. Muhammad Bayu was his name where he was more like to be called Bayu, so I usually called him Mas Bayu because he was older than me. He was 25 where his ages made him more looks adult, smart, and wisdom. He  had beard, and always wear the glasses. Why did I choose him as my feature it’s caused by his characters that he has. He was absolutely kind, honest, and smart.
At first time, when we become the students of University of Pakuan, he hadn’t become my good friend. Because he had had the friends and had a group, where the name of his group was “the Smart Club”. Why was his group called Smart Club because they all are smart and diligent. If there was a class they always sat down in the front or in the first line, and they’ve never been in behind. But time by time, the Smart Club broke. I didn’t know what cause the Smart Club broke. Maybe it’s caused by their character no compatible. And now the Smart Club is nothing. They are rarely gather each other. They just make a little greeting if they are meeting. After the Smart Club broke. So, they looked for a new friend and left their group included Mas Bayu.
I thought Mas Bayu was the best one in my class. He was Smart but he wasn’t conceited, he never told and showed to everybody that he was a smart person, because he was a kind of person that slow down. It’s fact, when there were somebody to ask him to teach about lecture in the class, he always teach them that were confused include me. For me Mas Bayu was my second teacher  in the campus. I often asked him to explain once more time about which one that I didn’t understand.
He was not only master English, but Mas Bayu also mastered many Language, such as Franch, Italian, and Arabic . He was religious man. He ever told me about his education in High School. He used to be a student of religion of islam, where in his daily life always studied about religion of islam and Arabic language, therefore he was so understand about Islam. As I knew that he mastered much about Arabic and the rule of Islam, so I often asked him to share his knowledge for me, and proudly he told me even he ask me to join with him made a group that learn Al-quran deeply in the Mosque of Pakuan University.
He was my motivation, because if I did a failed he gave me advice. He ever said to me ;  “men are nothing that fool, they are capable because they are lazy”. It’s one that made me more self confidence, because I always said to him that I felt no capable to continue my education at University. I almost gave up. But after I did sharing with him he gave me much motivation, because from himself exactly full of motivation. He always believed that “God always around us, see us, follow us, and give us the grace. So we weren’t afraid that we were failed, God had managed our life to be more succed, and we must received it.” It’s a sentence that be said him for me. Therefore, i thank to him for his motivation, and I didn’t forget it. Thanks my best friend, I confessed you are the best of the best.

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Ulos from Batak for your style

        Ulos is the traditional clothe of the Batak people of North Sumatera. Different kinds of ulos have different ceremonial significance. The ulos is normally worn draped over the shoulder or shoulders, or in weddings to ceremonially bind the bride and groom together. Ulos are traditionally hand woven and in the case of higher-quality examples are significant family heirlooms, to be worn at important events, such as funerals and weddings.
      So, here is available for you that want to have and collect this Ulos. there are many motive and colour of Ulos. If you are interested to buy it, you can order it here.
       The price depend the kind of Ulos that you want. there is only Rp.250.000 up to Rp.1.500.000.

  You can contact or call us:
  Phone number : 085695674785
  Adress             : Cibereum
  Email                : ahmad.hambaly@yahoo.co.id

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

The review of "The rainbow troops" novel

 Title : The rainbow troops
 Author : Andrea hirata
 Publisher : PT Mizan Publika
 Publication : 2009
 Thick book : 470

        It has been a while since a book has excited me so much. Indeed,it was hard to put down.The novel has touched me, made me cry, made me laugh, as well as made me reflect on my own appreciation of my privileges as a member of a middle class family. A daughter of educated parents who were able to get good education from good schools and pass it down as my right.

       I wouldn't say that prior to my reading of "The Rainbow Troops" I wasn't aware of what I should be appreciating and how I should be appreciating life, but sometimes I get blinded by my own personal shortcomings so much I fail to even try to feel and accept what I have around me or what I can do with what I have. Truly, this book is an eye-opener. A definite push.

       I recommend this novel for anyone who celebrates life, friendship, and still believes in the power of education not only through academic merits, but also how education make us complete as human beings.

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Mimpi (Target nilai emas di smester 4)

Semua orang pasti menginginkan nilai yang sempurna. Tidak ada orang yang menginginkan nilai yang jelek ataupun rendah, sama halnya dengan saya sendiri. Impian saya untuk mendapatkan nilai yang sempurna sudah ada sejak dahulu, yaitu sejak saya masuk universitas dan memiliki status sebagai mahasiswa. Siapa yang tidak bangga apabila nilai IP-nya  4,00? Saya pikir itulah impian setiap mahasiswa setelah lulus wisuda nanti.
Di tahun ini ataupun semester ini, saya mempunyai target yang cukup menantang dan sulit, yaitu dengan mendapatkan nilai IP yang sempurna yaitu 4,00. Adapun hal-hal yang saya harus perhatikan adalah sebagai berikut:
1.       Pembagian waktu
Hidup haruslah seimbang, kata-kata itu yang saya percaya untuk menjalani hidup agar lebih baik. Waktu harus dapat kita manfaatkan sebaik mungkin. Karena waktu sangatlah berharga, dia tidak dapat diputar kembali, yang berlalu tetaplah berlalu tidak mungkin terulang lagi. Kebanyakan orang yang sukses adalah orang-orang yang pandai memanfaatkan waktu.
Dalam menggapai atau mencapai target nilai 4,00, berikut secara garis besar dalam pembagian waktu yang saya lakukan:
v  Untuk belajar, Dalam sehari saya menghabiskan waktu 9 jam untuk belajar, termasuk pada saat belajar di kelas.
v  Untuk bermain, Saya biasanya menghabiskan 7 jam dalam sehari untuk bermain, berkumpul sengan teman-teman, termasuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan saya.
v  Untuk istirahat/ tidur, Membutuhkan waktu 8 jam untuk istirahat, untuk mengumpulkan tenaga di hari esok berikutnya.
2.       Usaha
Orang yang sukses tidak terlepas dari usahanya untuk menggapai kesuksesan tersebut. Dengan bekerja keras penuh keyakinan pasti akan menuai hasil yang maksimal juga. Begitu pula dengan yang saya lakukan, saya belajar keras, berusaha agar tetap selalu hadir dalam proses belajar untuk mendapatkan target nilai itu.
3.       Berdoa kepada Allah Swt.
Semua rencana manusia tidak semuanya berjalan dengan lancer. Karena itu semua sudah ditentukan oleh Allah Swt. Manusia hanya dapat berusaha dan berencanaakan tetapi yang menentukan adalah Allah Swt. Saya selalu berdoa agar saya termasuk orang yang sukses, dan berdoa agar di semester ini saya mendapatkan nilai yang bagus. Akan tetapi itu semua saya serahkan hasilnya kepada Allah Swt. Mudah-mudahan mendengarkan dan mengabulkan cita-cita sya ini untuk mendapatkan nilai IP 4,00. Amien!     

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012


Jatuhan rintik hujan
dari langit yang sengsara
Sengsara akan siksaan manusia

Menangis memberontak nasibnya
yang ditakdirkan untuk menangisi kehidupan

                                        Sajak : A. Hambali


Gemetar seruan angin malam
Menggelegar seraya bumi mengancam

Tak kuasa menahan asa
Taka kuasa menahan amarah
Seakan bumi akan menelan kehidupan

                                   Sajak : A. Hambali

Sang penguasa langit

Saat langit murka
cahaya kegelapan berkuasa
di atas segalanya

Kilat menyambuk mangsa
Petir berteriak memberi tanda
bahwa akan ada tangisan dalam kehidupan nanti

                                              sajak : Ahmad Hambali

Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Gelatik Selam
I think all of you have ever heard and known about Gelatik Selam. If no,  I will try to explain for you clearly.
Gelatikselam is a name for some groups, which in Indonesian language means  Gelar Tikar Selasa Malam. Completely, the definition of Gelatikselam is a group that can earn money from internet or a community which full of people earns money without work.
Do you know Gelatikselam use for?  As we know Gelatikselam can earns money without work. So, they use internet as a lucky for their life. They are gathered at some places and shared about their experience on internet, blogs, or anything that they know. Therefore, many people are a blogger always keep update their blog, looking information then especially earn money and success.
Many people said that Gelatikselam is often used by unemployment, it’s right. But, you can join with them too. You must have a website or a blog to join with them. On your website or your blog you can write and then share about your experience for everybody in the world. You can create a good website and a beautiful blog to make people are interested on your blog. And then you may give some advertisements on your blog or website. Because Gelatikselam is used on internet, if you don’t have a website or a blog, you can’t join with them but you only can see and enjoy their blogs.
 Above is an information about Gelatikselam, I hope you can enjoy it.

Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy happen because there are some factor. First, social environment  factor where it can effect her life. If she has a good social environment it will make her mind and body good as well, but if has bad social environment  like broken home it will make her mind move to negative side and also make her attitude become bad. She will search a place that comfortable to her. Even it’s a bad environment. Second, too much love for couple so it will make she broke all moral rule like sleeping together or making love but they don’t use condom.  It also call free sex. The last factor is less knowledge about sex. They think sex is not problem, and it makes they want to try doing sex. That’s some factor which make teen pregnancy.
I think teen pregnancy is not very good, because it can effect for her body,teen pregnancy is not good for body.  Not only that, teen pregnancy can effect for her social status. It can caused her status become bad. Therefore, we must keep our attitude, acting, and moral. We don’t ever try it. For parent in the world, you must keep your daughter and give them your love. And for the teen, you must protect yourselve. All of you are the future and the next generation of this country.